Meet Anthony Dispensa — Head Chef at Melbourne Ronnie’s & Group Chef at ETO Collective.
After working in the culinary industry for more than 24 years, Anthony has now found his new home in Australia, right in the heart of Melbourne.
Having been in the culinary industry for more than 24 years, he has worked at ‘Dinner’ by Heston Blumenthal (London), Gordon Ramsay’s The Fat Cow (Los Angeles), and Carbone (New York). Having worked under the direction of top industry talents, including Alain Ducasse, Jody Adams, Scott Ekstrom and Gordon Ramsay. Changing locations and moving states has never been easy for Anthony, but is always up for a new challenge and cannot wait to show Australia the true taste of Italian food.
Tell us a little bit about your industry history.
I’ve always loved playing soccer since back in the day. Though there was always a special place in my heart for food, at a very young age l started connecting to my Italian heritage. Being able to work in various restaurants such as Gordon Ramsay’s The Fat Cow (Los Angeles), and Carbone (New York). l had the privilege of working at Heston Blumenthal’s two-Michelin-star restaurant in 2016. During the 2 years, I’ve worked at Heston’s kitchen changed everything. Looking back, I’ve had such pleasant memories of my time there. Including working with some of the most talented people from all over the world.
2018, l was appointed Executive Chef at The French Room, before relocating to New Hampshire, New England, to present a classic regional Italian restaurant Granita Enoteca in 2020. In 2022, Matt Butcher informed me about his passion at Ronnie’s. It was only then that l knew I could work with such a great team to show Australia the true taste of authentic Italian food. My goal is to get a hat by 2023 November.
Where did your love of food come from?
My love of food came from home. Seeing families and friends get together and enjoy a good meal, always brings a smile to my face. It’s the comfort I see in people, that always seems to amaze me.
What has stuck with you as being key to becoming a great Chef?
It’s the Ingredients and techniques that are used in each dish, this will always lead to a spectacular dish. The simplest-looking dish will have the greatest techniques behind it.
Recommendations for favourite place to eat in Australia?
Even though it’s only been a few months, Mimi’s restaurant based in Sydney is one of my favourite places to eat. I am still on the hunt to find a good Mexican restaurant.
How do you relax and unwind?
For me, a good day to relax and unwind will be holding a glass of Ballantine’s 17-year-old scotch whiskey and watching the Yankee’s team play (Baseball).
What’s the secret to a great kitchen?
Clean, tidy, great team. Challenge was coming from another country and finding your pre-set techniques to fit into the new team and work culture. Though everything is possible when you have a great team by your side.
What’s the one cooking implement/device you could not live without?
2 things – Probe and a circulator its all about controlled cooking.
What’s your favourite food?
Being back home in America LA, l deeply miss Mexican food, especially a good Carne Asada Taco.
“My love of food came from home. Seeing families and friends get together and enjoy a good meal, always brings a smile to my face. It’s the comfort l see in people, that always seems to amaze me.”
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