Hungry for Change? Join Us for The Ultimate CEO Food Waste Challenge.
What happens when you take 150 Australian CEO’s and business leaders, blend in 50 of Australia’s top chefs and culinary talent and mix together with over a thousand vulnerable Aussies? You get a magical event, that truly showcases the power of food in making a real difference to people’s lives, their wellbeing and a sense of hope.
As a leading food organisation across Australia, Foodbuy is proud to participate in our 4th OzHarvest CEO CookOff.
Through our shared passion for the reduction in global food waste and complementing our industry leading partnership with the amazing team at Ozharvest, the Foodbuy team invite you to join us and be part of this special and unique event, led by OzHarvest Founder, Ronni Kahn.
As someone who created events for over 20 years, I know the importance of putting on a good spread and the feeling of satisfaction when your guests leave with a smile on their face and a belly full of delicious food.
But imagine an event where most of the guests often don’t know where their next meal is coming from and rely on charitable agencies to help support and feed their families.
It’s not always who you think. The face of hunger is diverse from male to female, both young and old, single and in families, students, employed and unemployed as well as retired people. It’s staggering to think in Australia, the ‘lucky country’ over five million people need food relief every year.
For one night, you have the unique opportunity to make a positive impact on their lives. It starts with watching their eyes light up as they walk down the yellow carpet into the magnificent Carriageworks venue, where rows of tables are laid ready for a feast. Under the guidance of top chefs and alongside your team or business peers, you prepare and serve a sumptuous three-course meal, for some it’s their first experience of a gourmet dinner.
This truly is a night to remember for everyone involved, it’s the chance to break bread and share a meal with some of the most vulnerable in our community. Food is its about caring, sharing, dignity and respect. It’s an equaliser and a connector and that’s what the CEO CookOff is all about.
But the real impact is from the funds raised and for every dollar donated, OzHarvest can provide two meals to people in need. So, if you are hungry for change and want to witness first hand the difference you can make to someone’s life, sign up, take part and help us reach our $3million goal.
There is magnificent generosity out there, which fills my heart with joy; you just need a little help finding it!”
~ Ronni Kahn AO, Founder & CEO OzHarvest
CEO CookOff Fast Facts:
This is the ninth CEO CookOff
Over 9,000 vulnerable guests have attended
It’s raised more than $12.5 million allowing OzHarvest to deliver 25 million meals
Top chefs who support the event include Neil Perry, Matt Moran, Guillaume Brahimi, Colin Fassnidge, Maun Feildel, Dan Hong, Paul Carmichael, Jacqui Challinor, Somer Sivrioglu, Rob Cockerill just to name a few!
Come meet the Foodbuy team and be part of this amazing event. To join Ronni at the CEO CookOff 2020 go to:
January 2020 - What happens when you take 150 Australian CEO’s and business leaders, blend in 50 of Australia’s top chefs and culinary talent and mix...
August 2019 - Food will define the future more than any other sector and how we meet the world’s demand for food will define the future of Australian......